Five Benefits of The Air Filtration
Clean air is as important as the water we drink and the food we eat when it comes to physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, many live their lives without any type of air filtration system in their homes and places of work.
Perhaps because many of the most troublesome air quality pollutants are functionally invisible, it can be difficult to recognize the need for whole-home air filtration as a necessary aspect of any AC installation.
Here, we'll discuss several benefits of air filtration, and some of the ways that an air purifier can work to improve your home and even your quality of life.
Allergies and Asthma
Anyone who lives with seasonal allergies can attest to the frustration and difficulty that come with regular changes in the weather. When seasons shift, it can wreak havoc and throw a monkey wrench into our overall productivity at work and at home.
Busy working people don't have time to take off from their lives when sniffling, sneezing, watery eyes, and other hay fever symptoms emerge like clockwork following the seasonal proliferation pollen and other allergens in the air.
Air filtration works wonders for asthma and allergy sufferers by removing such triggers from the air in your home or office, giving you an oasis of respite from the ravages of seasonal allergens. Sneezing fits and bouts of hay fever symptoms can destroy healthy sleep patterns, and over-the-counter medicines to treat said symptoms often leave people feeling hazy and slow.
Adding home air cleaners as part of your next HVAC repair will lead to an immediate reduction in symptoms and suffering that seasonal allergies mean for so many.
Pet Dander
Pets like cats and dogs are often considered a part of the family. In many homes, they're allowed inside, on the furniture, and often sleep right alongside us in bed at night. Unfortunately, their contribution to the household goes beyond simply being cute, loveable companions. Pets leave dander everywhere they go. Dander is created from the buildup of tiny skin flakes and other microscopic pollutants that can accumulate on couches, beds, and other lounge furniture which, over time, will have a negative impact on the overall air quality in your home.
Air filtration helps mitigate pet dander and creates an air system virtually free of allergens so that any friends who are bothered by cats can finally come inside for a visit without feeling miserable the entire time.
Odor Control
Even if your pets are incredibly clean and well-groomed, their odor can quickly permeate the house if left unchecked, particularly if your animals are allowed freedom to move between the indoors and outdoors. In addition, there are many other odors common to living spaces which tend to hang heavily in the air even after the source has been removed.
Regular preparation of strong-smelling foods like fish, eggs, kimchi, or curry can "stain" the air in your kitchen and dining areas with their scent, as can tobacco smoke, which can waft indoors through open cracked windows and doors even if nobody smokes inside the home, when a good filtration system can clean the air that you breathe and remove the tiny odor particles which like to hang around.
Germs and Bacteria
Even beyond allergies, there are all types of microscopic pollutants which can set up shop and reproduce in your home, biding their time until they can infiltrate your body and derail your immune system.
Mold proliferation in your home, even if you can't see it, can destroy a healthy immune system and cause lung infections and difficulty breathing if inhaled-sensitive people don't even need much exposure to mold in order to be triggered by spores.
An air purifier works to scrub your home free of spores, viruses, and other microscopic airborne menaces which seek to derail your life and make you sick, which is especially important when it's hot and humid.
Atmospheric Benefits
Air filtration systems have many benefits, but also have immediate and easily appreciable advantages when it comes to the overall home atmosphere. Their primary function may be to remove breathable pollutants from your air, but many people choose to install air purifiers for home comfort.
Clean, filtered air is, quite simply, easier to breathe. While this assertion may raise eyebrows among people who have never experienced the difference between filtered and unfiltered air, the difference is noticeable and often remarked upon by satisfied customers following the installation of an air purification system.
A quality air filtration system does a lot of heavy lifting in the way of removing moisture from the air and creating a cooler, cleaner feeling atmosphere inside your home. In addition to the cooling benefits of a standard AC installation, air filtration actively wicks moisture molecules from the air in your space and helps dehumidify the area for maximum comfort and air conditioning efficiency.
Don't go through another brutal summer without speaking to an HVAC repair specialist about the difference filtered air can make to your health, home, and happiness.
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